Website Structure

Our website is set up into these areas:

Provides bulletin news and direct the user to main index of the system.
Provides a short brief on what MyTTx system is about including the technical requirement to use the system.
Provides some information regarding the Operating Procedure.
Provides guidance, instructions, and information to users on how to operate, maintain, troubleshoot the system.
Provides the minimum system requirement to use the system.
To register as a new user online.
Provides login access to the system with using MyTTx Online user id and password.
To verify whether the new user has been officially registered with the system.

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Some files on this website are in Adobe Reader format. To read these files you need to have the Adobe Reader. You may download the latest Adobe Reader here .

Date & Time
15 October 2024
Total Visitors

© Copyright Reserved 2024 Tourism Tax System MyTTx Hotline – 1300 888 500
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